Most marketing strategies focus on driving traffic toward a website, hoping that these leads turn into sales. Conversion optimization aims to turn browsing clients into action-taking customers(buyers). We take a look at the processes for you to follow to convert site traffic into sales.
Web analytics is the collection of data from your website to analyze users’ behaviour. The broad spectrum of web analytics includes:
Collating and analyzing this data allows marketers to identify problems with your page and fix problems that limit sales.
An analytic consultancy like Sempeak helps businesses with the correct data collection techniques. We ensure that you use the right tools and analyze the data to show you where improvements can or need to be made. Efficient data collection and interpretation turns leads into sales by gearing your website towards your customers' preferences.
Before looking at our conversion optimization process, think about these three benefits of better conversion rates:
Other positive side effects of optimizing your website include increased customer trust and a better user experience on your page. Your website is your salesman in the digital world and needs to be up to the job.
Interesting Fact: The average conversion rate for websites is 3%, but top companies achieve rates as high as 11.45%.
Our process uses the following elements:
The first step in our process is to ensure a proper data management infrastructure. Our infrastructure includes the hardware, software (measurement tools), and people to manage and analyze it. Accurate measurement and interpretation of the collected data are essential to the process of optimizing your conversion rates.
Once enough data is collected, we analyze the flows to determine potential logjams in the funnel between users finding your website and performing the actions you want. A high bounce rate could indicate a page that looks good but takes too long to load. A page that's difficult to navigate may result in fewer return visits.
Our experts use their analyses and insights to develop and test hypotheses. We build test scenarios and use them to develop a plan aimed at increasing your conversion rates. We also use the gathered data and theories to make recommendations on all aspects of your page. During this phase of the process, we test any theories developed from the data analysis to ensure that we're on the right track before proceeding to the process's penultimate stage.
Our experts run tests to validate individual hypotheses during the test and hypothesis development stage and develop our optimization plan. During the test phase, we combine all the plan elements and develop two or more variations of the website for testing and measuring. Putting an untested version of a web page online can have disastrous effects on a business. You want to present the page that works the best for your end-users.
Conversion optimization is an ongoing process. Technologies and customer habits change over time. You need to keep up with the changes to stay ahead of your competitors. We can continue to monitor your page, submitting reports and analyses to help you increase sales over a long period.